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Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Tooth Fairy

My granddaughter was spending the night with us and during the course of the evening one of her baby molars came out.  I didn't know this until I saw her go into the garage and come back with a wrench.  I asked her what she was doing and she told me that her tooth had come out and she was trying to clean it up in the bathroom sink.  She lost her grip and the tooth went down the drain.  The look on her face and the anguish of losing her tooth really touched me.  So with wrench in hand, I was able to loosen the trap and low and behold there was the tooth.  Her joy of having her tooth back was a thing to witness.  It was a reminder to me that sometimes little things do matter.  She is such a loving granddaughter.  She sees the sadness in me at times and she will just come up to me, hug me and tell me that she loves me.  This gives me more determination to keep things light for my grandchildren and to show them that I am OK.  babydiaperbagsgalore.com

1 comment:

Barb said...

She'll remember you doing that for years and will probably tell her own children about it when the time comes.